
TOPBUXUS XenTari® is a biological insecticide on the basis of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Aizawai,


Contents: 5 sachets of 3 grams each, sufficient total for 150m2 of Boxwood

Dissolve 1 sachet (3 grams) of TOPBUXUS XenTari® in 3 litres of water, this mixture is sufficient for the treatment of 30m2 Boxwood.

Spray the plants completely with the mixture as soon as caterpillars are detected. In case of a large infestation or heavy rainfall, repeat the treatment. Treatment preferably only at an outside temperature above 15 degrees Celsius. Within a few hours after treatment, the caterpillars will stop their feeding. After 3-5 days they will die and fall off the plant.

The caterpillars eat the leaves that have been treated with TOPBUXUS XenTari® treated. Via enzymatic degradation in the stomach of the caterpillar, the protein crystals of Bacillus thuringiensis are broken down into toxins. These toxins bind to and penetrate receptors on the intestinal wall. The caterpillar is completely affected and eventually dies. Although it can take a few days for the caterpillar to die, the treatment with TOPBUXUS XenTari® is very efficient and effective. 1 to 2 hours after the intake of TOPBUXUS XenTari® the caterpillar stops eating, and so the damage done to the Boxwood is stopped as well. Please note: the caterpillars will only be affected after they ingest the treated leaves. Sometimes the caterpillars do not start feeding immediately, so they will not be affected but also cause no damage yet.

TOPBUXUS XenTari® is a biological insecticide that is not harmful to people or the environment. The natural enemies of the caterpillar, such as parasitic wasps, flies, bees and mites, are not affected by the product either.

Apply at a temperature of 10° C or above. Normally starting at the first week of April, If necessary, if there are still living caterpillars, a second treatment could be carried out 2 weeks later in order to stop the caterpillar infestation completely. You can expect 2 or 3 infestations a year, The second around June/Juli and the latest around September, the last one in September is very important, with this spraying you can prevent a heave infestation early next year. Can be used in combination with TOPBUXUS Health-Mix. Both products can be mixed together to tackle both the Boxwood Caterpillar and the Box Blight in 1 treatment.

Always handle pesticides with care. Always read the directions for use and product information before use!